Greetings from Brazzaville, Congo!
It is day 5 of my travels and I am adjusting to the time shift surprisingly well (5hr's ahead of EST), probably because I was so exhausted from traveling that my whole sleep schedule (if there ever was one) has been reset. Things are going well so far, mostly. My luggage did not make it with me to Brazzaville on Saturday, which unfortunately means that I will have to wait until Thursday before going to my next destination (Ouesso) because flights are only two days a week, and I had to miss Sunday’s flight to get my bags. Luckily they arrived yesterday, yay! Finally I can wear some clean clothes after three days of flying and staying in hot places. Casablanca, Morocco was paralyzingly hot, and the airport was even worse! Needless to say, with no clean clothes, no toiletries, and a lot of heat, I became pretty nasty. You wanted to know that, right?
Anyway, I am spending the next several days hanging out in Brazzaville before flying to Ouesso on Thursday. From there I will immediately take a pirogue up the Sangha River for several hours before making it to Bomassa, the main camp. I will spend a day or two in Bomassa arranging the final logistics for the trip and finally head to Mbeli camp where I will stay for about thirty-five days. From the camp, it is a short (4km) hike to the observation platform. That’s the plan so far, so we’ll see what happens.
Final destination: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Nouabal%C
This trip has already been delayed by nearly two weeks, so at this point, anything can still happen. Fingers crossed that it gets somewhat smoother from here on out!
View from the case de passage, where I am staying in Brazzaville
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